Craig Swartz wrote: |
Sounds like Getchell 1 and 2 to me. Different styles, keys, rhythmic and melodic patterns, some are quite lyrical when played with some imagination and abandon. Book 1 is early int to int, Book 2 more in the neighborhood of your description and none are dissonant or avante gard, shall we say. Hering is also good for more intensity and ability, Koprasch as well. Easier would be the Vandercook. More specific areas can be addressed with Brandt, Arban 14 Characteristic, if you get the chops going, go to Smith's Top Tones. I assume you already have the major and minor scales down, along with the other 'technical stuffs'. If not, knowing the fundamentals or at least having a good grasp on them would make learning/playing almost any etude a lot easier. Do you have a teacher who can guide you through these? Good luck. |
Yes, I do! And he is the 2nd trumpet player of the best Brazilian Orchestra (Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra) and the best teacher I could have! He is not only a teacher, but he is also a great friend! Of course before choosing anything I’m going to talk to my teacher.
Now I’m starting to play Arban Characteristic number 1 and Charlier number 1. I’m trying to find something not more difficult than that (it could also be easier).
Let me explain why I need this book. In the future I need to make a test (like an audition) on my church. It’s not a selection, it’s just a test to check my level. Usually people arrive with one or two Etude books and the conductor is going to choose one or two Etudes. The conductor is not a trumpet player, so I need something that sounds difficult (it doesn't mean that it must be difficult in fact), but it must be something easy on the ear.
Getchell, Koprasch, Vandercook are based on known melodies or compositions of the author?
Which Hering book are you talking about?
Robson Adabo de Mello
1 Corinthians 14:8 (KJV)
'For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?'
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QPress is dedicated to making quality music for trumpet available as pdf downloads. Mac os dvd ripper. We work with the best publishers in the world to bring classic literature to your computer, and nurture relationships with composers to help them bring new trumpet repertoire to market. Have a look around, we think you will like what you see. Free- 40 Etudes for Trumpet by Wilhelm Wurm. Click on the link below and where it indicates “complete Score” click on it and print for yourself some of the best melodic etudes money can buy, or get free.
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